Deep Creek Lake Real Estate Blog - Jay Ferguson

Deep Creek Lake Real Estate Blog - Jay Ferguson
EVERYTHING under the sun about Deep Creek Lake, Maryland! Deep Creek Lake Real Estate Information, Local News & Happenings in Garrett County Maryland, Current Events, Local Business Profiles, Upcoming Attractions, Vacation Rentals, Resort Realty, Community Profiles, Homes for Sale, Restaurants & Dining, Entertainment Schedules, Festivals & Gatherings, Churches & Charities, Wisp Ski & Golf Resort, Swallow Falls State Park, Youghiogheny & Casselman River, Garrett County Fair & more!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Deep Creek Lake Property Owners Association

The Property Owners Association of Deep Creek Lake, Inc
Po Box 816
McHenry, MD 21541

The Deep Creek Lake Property Owners is a local organization boasting over 1,300 members. There are 2 annual meetings of the general membership, and they do a great job of keeping up with local issues that affect property owners in the area. You do not have to own lake property to be a member of the Deep Creek Lake POA. Their focus is relegated to issues concerning everything from wind turbines, gypsy moth spraying, the lake draw down, water quality and other issues pertaining to owning property in the Deep Creek Lake & Garrett County area in general.

They also publish the 'Deep Creek Dispatch' twice a year. Membership is inexpensive ($30/yr 2008) and the benefits of having your opinion heard and concerns voiced is well worth the investment, in my opinion.

General POA Meetings
(Garrett 8 Cinemas, 8:30 a.m.)
June 28, 2008
August 23, 2008