— I must agree that the prospect of raising taxes in Garrett County is of major concern to many citizens (“No more property tax hikes in Garrett County,” April 25 Times-News).
Furthermore, I agree that the proposed closure of Dennett Road and Kitzmiller schools is of particular concern to those whose children are affected by those closures. What I must disagree with is that wind turbines in Garrett County will pave the road to prosperity.
It seems obvious to me that Robert Spangler would have you believe that he is greatly concerned about the aforementioned issues as well as those citizens who are opposed to the wind turbines.
What he fails to tell you is that he does not live near those locations where wind turbines are proposed to be placed.
Therefore, he will not have to contend with the environmental impact issues involving wildlife, reduced homeowner property values, or personal intrusions such as vista, flicker or noise.
Moreover he fails to say that he owns a large chunk of land along Four Mile Ridge where many wind turbines are proposed to be placed.
He stresses the positive monetary impact such turbines will have on the county and its citizens through increased tax revenue and jobs. What he fails to tell you is the positive monetary impact these turbines will have on him through the leasing of “his” land to Synergics.
He criticizes the Garrett County commissioners for being “brain washed by few (sic) nay-sayers” since they are “proposing unreasonable setbacks and height restrictions for the wind mills.”
It seems to me that the commissioners are getting it right by proceeding with caution so that they can get it right the first time around.
The primary purpose of this letter is to get the whole story out on the table so that everyone can make an informed decision without being influenced by what appears to be a smoke screen.
Richard Wiggin
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