Deep Creek Lake Real Estate Blog - Jay Ferguson

Deep Creek Lake Real Estate Blog - Jay Ferguson
EVERYTHING under the sun about Deep Creek Lake, Maryland! Deep Creek Lake Real Estate Information, Local News & Happenings in Garrett County Maryland, Current Events, Local Business Profiles, Upcoming Attractions, Vacation Rentals, Resort Realty, Community Profiles, Homes for Sale, Restaurants & Dining, Entertainment Schedules, Festivals & Gatherings, Churches & Charities, Wisp Ski & Golf Resort, Swallow Falls State Park, Youghiogheny & Casselman River, Garrett County Fair & more!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Garrett program awarded grant

From Staff Reports Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown recently presented the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area, a program of the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce, with a $30,000 matching grant in support of the PreK-12 Heritage Area Curriculum project, according to a news release.

“We are delighted to be awarded a Star-Spangled 200 grant,” said Dawn Hein, director of the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area, in a news release.

“The grant will help us to engage our local community in the War of 1812 bicentennial commemoration through hands-on and experiential learning.”

The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce joined 21 other nonprofit and government organizations across Maryland, which together are investing more than $6 million in bicentennial projects that support programming, education, visitor experience and capital improvements and expand economic development and tourism-related job creation throughout the state.

More here.

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