Deep Creek Lake Real Estate Blog - Jay Ferguson

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

GC Commissioners Plan To Keep Current Tax Rate, Increase Board Of Ed Funding

Apr. 26, 2012

The Garrett County commissioners currently plan not to increase the real property tax rate, they stated in a letter to the Board of Education this week. During their public session last week, they had noted that in order to maintain the current fiscal year's tax revenue, the rate would have to be increased from $0.99 per $100 of assessed value to $1.0331 in FY 2013.

"At this time the Board of Garrett County Commissioners plans to set the real property tax rate at the current rate of $0.99, which will result in $2 million less revenue, based on a reduction in assessments," the letter stated. "The county plans to reduce expenditures with all county government departments."

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But the commissioners plan to give the Board of Education $500,000 more this coming fiscal year than for the previous one. Total county funding for the board will be $25.359 million for FY '13.

"This funding, coupled with the potential state stop/loss revenue to be determine during a likely special session of the Maryland General Assembly, and recommendations for savings from your elementary school advisory committees, should help to avoid the closure of elementary schools," the commissioners wrote in their letter to the BOE early Tuesday.

By a majority vote, however, the BOE decided Tuesday evening to close Dennett Road and Kitzmiller elementary schools.

"While closing community schools is a simplistic approach, you are encouraged to have an open dialogue with the candidates for the position of superintendent on how best to resolve current and expected budgetary issues," the commissioners' letter stated. "The looming pension shift, couple with other state reductions to local governments, has prompted us to take the two-year appropriation approach."

The commissioners noted in their that they could not commit to additional funding for the BOE next year.

"The board of county commissioners will make every effort possible, but cannot at this time guarantee the ability to maintain the same level of funding for FY 2014 with a careful analysis of any further state shifts in the next budget cycle," the letter stated. "Total funding for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014 will not exceed $25,359,000."

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Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 - toll free